I've been entranced by fantasy illustration ever since I was a kid, poring through my dad's old Dragon magazines, D&D manuals, and novels. While my friends and classmates were reading The Boxcar Children, I was reading Brooks' The Sword of Shannara and Burroughs' Barsoom series, every bit as enamored with the beautifully painted covers as I was with the stories within. My love for drawing (and gaming) only grew with time, evolving from hobby to course of study. Finally, after years of placing art second to day jobs, I left the comfort of salary and benefits and made illustration my career.
Now I'm living the dream as a full-time freelance sci-fi and fantasy illustrator for clients all over the world, author and artist for my personal project The Cloud Factory, and contestant on Penny Arcade's new web series Strip Search.

Due to the success of my Kickstarter for The Cloud Factory and my other outstanding obligations, my schedule is pretty solidly booked for the next several months! I won't be able to accept any large-scale projects, but you're welcome to e-mail your inquiries to almdougl@gmail.com and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Though I do a lot of work for private clients, the following is a list of corporate entities I've had the pleasure of doing business with.
No, I don't mean an invasive TSA pat-down. Strip Search is the latest web tv series from Penny Arcade. Feast your eyes on the work of my esteemed colleagues:
Many of my friends and acquaintences are incredibly talented individuals. If you like my work, you should check out theirs!